
Sp-ring B-rake and more!

So Spring Break has come and gone and oh what a break it was!

Well back to the books, brushes, and found objects.  But don't forget Student Assembly is back in action as usual.  

"Tell Us What You Think" day went well, and you know what that means.... Student Forum is gonna be here April 15 from 11:30- 1pm.  Ask your questions, concerns etc. and get answers!

As for those Allocated fun-ds, guess who got 'em?
Glee Medicine Show
The Knit-in 
The Free Garden and
Meet, Make, Share

Allocations will be doing some more fun-ding April 20th.

Hey if you all want to be a part of this great thing Student Assembly then become an official or come to the meetings (Tuesday at 12, just incase you forgot), check your school wide email for more info.

More to come next week!

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