
IT's aLL happanin at OncE!

As we edge towards midterms and for most, the edge of sanity, Student assembly would like to remind you of a whole bunch of other things going on in our ever-changing lives.

So there is this thing call the president- so far he's been really crappy, and now we are getting a not-frequent-enough chance to boot him out for somebody better. The upcoming presidential debates will hopefully give us, you know the conscious voter people, an insight as to who is the weakest link. Student assembly will be screening the debates in Epperson Auditorium- the times are...

Oct. 2nd Foreign Policy w/ Milton Katz as discussion master (11:30pm-1:00pm)
Oct. 6th Vice Pres. Debates (2:30pm-4:00pm)
Oct. 8 Town Hall Debate (2:30pm-4:00pm)
Oct. 16th Domestic Policy w/ Michelle Fricke as discussion master (11:30pm-1:00pm)

Also Mark Salmon, the vice president of academic affairs, pretty important fella- will be listening to student issues, concerns, and knock knock jokes TUESDAY Sept. 23rd at 5:15 - think you don't care? What about FREE PIZZA it will be there too, and you can talk to it as much as you like as well.

When it comes to studio and everything else, student assembly encourages you to be proactive- no not that zit cream, but the notion of being prepared, cognizant, and active!

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