
Vampires, flicks, and bribery

Is all that blood weighing you down?  Do you want to give some up for the health of others?  Well do we have good news for you!  Next Student Assembly meeting, Tuesday Oct. 7th, we will be meeting with the Red Cross in hopes of organizing a BLOOD DRIVE!

Then, after you stand up and fight for a blood drive, come and sit down to watch a movie on the Lawn!  Oct. 17th at 8pm we are watching "Heathers" - a flick about a social cast-out.  There will be s'mores and so much more!

Your special teacher, you know, the one that is really awesome, knows their stuff, and pushes you and your education.  Do you ever want to thank them, but just don't know how?  Well I suggest nominating them for the Special Faculty Award-  this gives them $5,000 bucks- think about how happy they'll be afterwards... might even be happy enough to extend the due date on that project that is looming overhead.


Student Acivities hits Jack-pot with "CLAY"

The activities committee, as you may know, led by coordinator Matt Gualco arranged for students to experience the Hip-Hop musical awesomeness that is "Clay" on Saturday Sept 20th. Sitting in the front row I was blown away- almost into Kansas- by the one man performance of an epic story about struggle and the pursuit of individual survival and expression. Sound amazing? Well it better, cuz it rocked my socks off. My advice to anyone who missed out on the opportunity, stay tuned for upcoming events cuz this year is going to require several pairs of socks.

IT's aLL happanin at OncE!

As we edge towards midterms and for most, the edge of sanity, Student assembly would like to remind you of a whole bunch of other things going on in our ever-changing lives.

So there is this thing call the president- so far he's been really crappy, and now we are getting a not-frequent-enough chance to boot him out for somebody better. The upcoming presidential debates will hopefully give us, you know the conscious voter people, an insight as to who is the weakest link. Student assembly will be screening the debates in Epperson Auditorium- the times are...

Oct. 2nd Foreign Policy w/ Milton Katz as discussion master (11:30pm-1:00pm)
Oct. 6th Vice Pres. Debates (2:30pm-4:00pm)
Oct. 8 Town Hall Debate (2:30pm-4:00pm)
Oct. 16th Domestic Policy w/ Michelle Fricke as discussion master (11:30pm-1:00pm)

Also Mark Salmon, the vice president of academic affairs, pretty important fella- will be listening to student issues, concerns, and knock knock jokes TUESDAY Sept. 23rd at 5:15 - think you don't care? What about FREE PIZZA it will be there too, and you can talk to it as much as you like as well.

When it comes to studio and everything else, student assembly encourages you to be proactive- no not that zit cream, but the notion of being prepared, cognizant, and active!


First Blogorama

Well its that time again, to begin class, make art, read books, but isn't there something else, something that you might be missing but just can't quite remember? Well we remember...you...so let us fill that void in your life, because- we just down right love havin' you around. Its calling you back, calling you home, because there is no place like STUDent ASSembly.

always yours,

Student Assemby

we'll keep the light on in the art store conference room for you