
Exciting Times..I think I need a paper bag

Halloween is at the end of the week!  Soon that desire to eat a whole bunch of candy and dress up like a gorilla can be fulfilled!  And you can even boogie at the Halloween Dance this Friday, Oct. 31st from 9pm- Midnight!   

In case you were wondering, the student run publication Ampersand, has now been approved!  This means that all they need is money, but student assembly is providing a hefty chunk of that, so get involved, help design, write, and feel awesome!

And, if you got a t-shirt from the awesome T-shirt Workshop put on by Print Club and Student assembly then you can feel really awesome.  Feel even more Awesome if you helped make the shirts! 

Or if you gave blood at the blood drive last week, which was a huge success by the way- then you just helped save lives- so infinitely more awesome.

If you are  wondering how you too can feel awesome, then come to the next student assembly meeting, next Tuesday in the Art Store Conference Room.  We are having a think group, which will discuss why you, as students, came to KCAI. 


KCAI..Bob Barker Style

In this showcase we have many prizes under the theme of "Crisis" 

Do you feel stressed out with all this midterm mumbo- jumbo,  well de-stress and unwind with sticky food in your face!  S'mores night is back and better than ever, this year it will include:  Movie on the Lawn!  It could be yours Friday Sept. 17th at 8pm!

The next prize is a awesome new T-Shirt!  Come and Give Blood at the student assembly/ Red Cross Blood drive happening soon in Epperson Auditorium and win an awesometastic t-shirt (it is way better than a mug.)

Got a bike? Then this next prize will be great for you... its a brand new place to put your bike.  Student Assembly is asking, where do we need bike racks on campus?  Have a suggestion- tell your department's Student Assembly Representative.  

Finally, a prize you gamers have been waiting for... access to Ports, yay!   Long have you waited, but why, just tell Student Assembly which ports you need access to on the KCAI network-  We'll do the work for you.  You can contact us by coming to the meetings, Tuesdays at noon in the art store conference room, or you can tell your department's representative.  

Thank you for playing and remember, help control the pet population: get your pets spayed or neutered.